

A reflection over the action research article "Conceptual learning and creative problem solving using cooperative learning groups in middle school science classes."

DuBois' (1995) research points out that how to group has an important influence on improving the performance of cooperative learning, he mentions that it should not be based on races or origins, but students' academic abilities to group them, team members should be composed by students of different genders, different abilities, different cultural backgrounds or different races in a school. The theoretical basis for this grouping is that, first of all, the reason for why the cooperative activities among children have been able to promote their growth lies in that children of similar ages may be able to operate in the “Zone of Proximal Development", showing a higher activity than their individual's behavior. Its essence is that in terms of problems that children can not solve independently in their development stage, they can learn to solve with the help of guidance of their peers with relevant knowledge in cooperation (Vygotsky, 1978). Then, if they want to keep new information in memory, and make them be linked with already existing information in memory, students must implement cognitive restructuring or refining of some form towards materials, while the most effective way for refining is to explain the material to others. For a long time, it has been found in researches about cooperative learning groups that, in terms of school achievement, teachers and those being taught are able to benefit, and those who benefit most are students who give others a detailed explanation (Cohen, 1991). Therefore, DuBois' (1995) cooperative learning groups can be summed up as the teaching model that teachers carefully create cooperative context to promote the full participation of students, so that students of different levels of academic abilities can complement each other in cooperation to deepen understanding of a problem, so as to improve the quality of learning. Group members with a different level of intelligence, knowledge structure, ways of thinking, cognitive styles can complement each other. In cooperative learning, students with different levels of knowledge in a group can inspire each other and complement each other to achieve the thinking and intellectual collision, resulting in new ideas to complete learning task creatively.

DuBois' (1995) analyzes that in the teaching of science courses, teachers take the advantages of combination of personal learning and cooperative learning methods. If a teacher always ask students to conduct cooperative discussion immediately after he puts forward a question, it will result in that part of students do not have their own point of view and are overly dependent on others, there is no deep mutual exchange and discussion among them, nor are they impossible to have real interaction, making the cooperation mere formality. Therefore, in the use of cooperative learning model, at the same time, teachers should give students time to learn independently, allowing students to carry out independent thinking independently and dynamically, freely and purposefully according to their level of ability, personality characteristics, trying to solve problems by themselves.

DuBois' (1995) points out that it should frequently change the roles that members of a group assume, which is conducive to the team members’ better integrating into group learning and mitigating conflict within the group. This conclusion gives teachers a reflection that after the formation of a study group, teachers should be committed to improving relations within the group, making clear personal responsibility and building positive interdependence. Teachers should train the manager of a group, allowing him to have work methods to organize group members to carry out an orderly discussion together. Group leader can be assumed by group members in turns, so that more students will be involved to have access to learning, directing, management, which will help to improve the members’ confidence and interest.


Cohen, E. G. (1991). Teaching in Multiculturally Heterogeneous Classrooms: Findings from a Model Program. McGill Journal of Education, 26,7-23. 

DuBois, M. H. (1995).  Conceptual Learning and Creative Problem Solving Using Cooperative Learning Groups in Middle School Science Classes. In S. Spiegel. A. Collins. & J. Lappert (Eds.). Action Research: Perspectives from Teachers’ Classrooms. Science FEAT (Science for Early Adolescence Teachers). Tallahassee, FL: South Eastern Regional Vision for Education. 

Vygotsky, L.S. (1978 ). Mind and Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

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