中国与中亚合作影响要素研究--research paper范文

英国论文代写平台整理出的 research paper范文:“中国与中亚合作影响要素研究”,这篇论文主要描述的是在中俄两国之间的关系日益稳定的趋势下,两国之间都想要在政治、经济、能源方面能够有更深入的合作。这也推动了中国与中亚之间的友好关系的建立,中国也加快了与中亚地区的合作,从而建立起一个稳定的能源供应渠道。

中国与中亚合作,中国与中亚合作影响要素,research paper范文, paper范文,英国论文代写

Sino-Russian relations are more stable, both to further develop mutual political, economic, especially in the energy sector and strong desire, China should seize this favorable opportunity. Russia's oil and gas plays an important role in the security of energy supply in China need not go

Chapter I cooperation with Central Asian energy security of China geography


In recent years, China and Central Asia through bilateral or multilateral mechanism of cooperation, interactive capacity greatly upgrade, both of geo political relationship in this five moving capacity in the fast strengthening, with in the HA oil pipeline, and in the HA gas pipeline and the this based Shang built of China a Central Asia gas pipeline of operation and to China provides oil and gas, this on China get stable of energy supply provides has favourable of conditions.


Yen Yi as China's energy interests in Central Asia, Russia and the United States as about energy policies and of an important country in the region, is bound to have a great influence on China's energy security, intensified the competition between the three countries. Geopolitical thinking can be traced in ancient Greece. Modern geopolitics is often considered synonymous with power politics, which gathered in the country who focus, and assume that they are trying to gain access to natural resources and secure borders, driven by expansion. GEO-analyses in order to, on the security of China's oil supply problems in Central Asia, Russia and the United States when it is most important for China's geopolitical factors. Firstly, bilateral cooperation in political, military and economic fields is has an important influence on the countries of the region, compared with Russia still in the history, culture and geographical advantage should not be underestimated. Secondly, the two powers have been integrating the region into the country's important geo-strategic plan, which includes competition for power and energy, as a rising star in China involved in energy trade in Central Asia is bound to collide with these two powers. Russia because of its wide detonation of land with Central Asian countries, China o geographic advantages, abundant energy resources and great power, Central Asia has always been Russia's traditional sphere of influence.


Russia control of oil and gas resources in Central Asia occupy a unique advantage, Russia hopes to invest in oil and gas fields in Central Asia, and Russia's position as a transit country for oil and gas resources in Central Asia to control Central Asia's oil and gas resources. China on Central Asia of energy cooperation, while must with Russia, including and Russian directly for energy cooperation and two in development Central Asia national energy process in the by for of cooperation; on the and will will on Russian of led status formed challenge, so both Zhijian of suspicion also in constantly increased, competition and game to avoid, this makes Russia became the area on China of energy security has directly and major meaning of national. United States on oil supply security issue and China have common interests, the need for active cooperation and dialogue, but more likely to be strategic and competitive relations, not only as a competition for oil resources, and once in the political system, ideology and foreign policy interests of confrontation and conflict will have on China's security of oil supply in Central Asia have a profound and lasting impact. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, after the conclusion of the cold war period, United States policy towards Central Asia is United States minor part of the whole Eurasia policy. As the United States acknowledged by the scholars themselves: "Although busy with other United States interests are of greater significance and regional affairs, United States even before the '9-11' event has been warily watching Central Asia. However, in practice, United States directly chose not to enter the area, but, wait-and-see policy. 1997 United States in Central Asia "partnership for peace" within the framework of exercises as signs, United States policy toward Central Asia appeared to have staged significant change, United States fully involved in Central Asia. After the events of Central Asia quickly became the United States implementing the global counter-terrorism program forward base, along with Central Asia in the United States in the global strategy of the significance and fundamental changes have taken place, Central Asia has become United States implement the new fulcrum of global strategy in Central Asia because of United States and other Western powers to intervene and become more complex.


Chapter II security of energy cooperation between China and Central Asia Russia


Russia across Eurasia as traditional powerhouses in Central Asia have considerable geopolitical, economic and military dominance, along with Russia's continued economic recovery and Asian oil strategy matures, Russia on oil development in the Caspian Sea is gaining increasing influence with r. China and the West is involved in Central Asia petroleum development and utilization on some major issues, Russia and its oil companies to have a greater say, so the safety factors of Central Asia's oil supply in China, Russia's position and role are undoubtedly should not be overlooked. The other hand, Russia geographically, as a member of the Central Asia, itself also has a very rich oil and gas resources, and Russia on energy cooperation, in the long term to improve China's energy supply structure and enhancing energy security in Central Asia is of great strategic significance. At present, in the energy war in Central Asia, the relationship between competition and cooperation of the parties is a complex major countries or organizations have varying degrees of involvement. But there is no doubt that for a long period, Russia will participate in and lead the main countries of Central Asian oil and gas development in marine mode. Russia on the leading edge of energy in this region will have a profound impact to China's future energy security. In recent years, China has been working to secure a stable energy supply in Central Asia and Russia become the China energy cooperation is the most important country in the region.


First Russia energy influence on China's energy security


Oil supply in China more and more dependent on the Middle East and does not have enough strength to ensure the security of maritime petroleum transport situation, the Russia domestic oil and natural gas resources in China is implementing the strategy of diversifying energy import and significance, its importance has been fully demonstrated.


First, Russia's energy value and its strategic significance


In recent years, Russia's oil production and oil exports gradually recover and growth have important implications for the international oil supply security, especially in the influence and shape international oil price and supply security to gradually increase. For China, Russia is the maximum strategic value of oil and gas resources, to diversify its sources of China's oil supply, the strategic partnership on the basis of stability and good neighborliness between China and Russia in oil trade, reducing China's dependence on Middle East oil, reduce the risk factor. Although Russia's oil resources is not with rival countries and OPEC members in the Middle East, whose oil resources are abundant. At present, Russia 48.6 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, accounting for 4.7% of the world, ranked eighth in the world.


With Russia's political and economic situation improved further, as well as international capital investment is becoming more active on Russia's oil exploration and production, Russia's oil reserves growth is almost certain. From a long-term point of view, Russia may have great potential for oil production and export, value and high hopes for the international petroleum industry. (See table 2-1) in addition, Russia an important strategic significance to China's energy security also lies in its rich natural gas resource base and export potential. Russia is rich in natural gas resources in China, according to the relevant statistics, Russia has proven natural gas reserves ranking the first in the world, a total of 1.7 trillion cubic meters, nearly 1/3 of the world's total reserves, United States 10 times, 40 times, China Times, greater than the sum of several major energy power in the Middle East even more. Russia's natural gas resources not only for the world, for North-East Asia, and for the security of energy supply, energy structure optimizing of China, plays an important strategic value. You should expect in the 21st century Russia in economic development, Russia's natural gas exports will become one of the major drivers of economic development.




Above Russia and United States on Central Asian energy strategy and objectives and their influence on China's energy security in Central Asia, Russia and the United States between the three countries in the region and after comparison of the energy game, we try to put energy strategy in Central Asia on China's response to the different policies of Russia and the United States. Some scholars believe that, in the relations between big powers in Central Asia, Sino-Russian relations is one of the most important and critical. Because of the Sino-Russian relations on Chinese diplomacy in Central Asia more than China's relations with any other nation, China strategy has a key role in Central Asia.


As the main successor State of the Soviet Union, Russia's strength than before, its model of economic and political reform as well as Western recognition, strategic space from the United States and NATO of constant pressure and international issues, especially in the economic role of lack of access to international respect and attention. Meanwhile, China's national power and rapid accumulation, a sharp rise of emerging powers on the world stage, to counter increasing domestic demands continue to deepen the reform pressure and pressure from abroad to undertake more international obligations, it is in this context, Russia and China mutually select each other to establish a strategic partnership deal with pressures at home and abroad in the future, and is outside the main United States strategic pressures. Moreover, for a long period, because the United States dominance of superpower status and the regional security situation, the strategic partnership between China and Russia will last for a long time.